24 May 2013

+++Arivisian Treaty, Part I.+++

Hi again,
Here´s a small portion of the fluff for my chapter - Swords of Ultima

+++Arivisian Treaty+++

+++As transcribed via astropath from the words of Ambassador Olkros the Blessed, envoy of the most holy order of the Arivisian Cog, keeper of the Arivisian Treaty.+++

My Lords,
I enclose here the sum total of the knowledge I have acquired in the mission entrusted to me by Magos Primaris Teuten of the most trusted Council of the Cog. During my service on the battle-barge Divine Blade I have been able to document the organisation, tactical and strategic doctrine and cultural idiosyncracies of the Swords of Ultima chapter of the Adeptus Astartes. The terms of the Arivisian Treaty, under which my service alongside the Chapter's techmarines is permitted, proved invaluable in granting me access to the Chapter's repositories of knowledge. Although be sure, that the Chapter remained silent to almost every question from recent history. And also the mystery behind so called “Swordkeepers” remained untold. 

I have honoured the conditions of our treaty to the letter and never steps out from my boundaries in this case, never let myself slip into the Chapter´s sacred wells of knowledge without invitation, so that this report can be viewed as incomplete or vague.


From their founding, the Swords of Ultima have occupied world of Powys in Vanderenn Sector, Segmentum Ultima. Although it is still officially classed by the Administratum as an imperial world, in practical terms Powys is now nothing more than war-torn nightmarish ruin of its´ former glory. Scarred surface is charred by war hidden under twilight sun blocked by heavy radiation filled dust clouds. From the radiation levels in air and the state of the surface, I can suggest that this event did happen not longer than two centuries before.

 What caused this unfortunate state of Powys is a subject of grim silence from the battle-brothers of the Chapter. Rarely they spoke about Powys and no-one but Lord Epistolar Severus Aries ever answered my curious questions. From what I learned from him and from our archives on Jusia XII, Powys was subject to a major battle between the chapter and the traitorous legion whose name had not preserved to this day. Or at least remains in secrecy. Given the particular silence on this matter, maybe it was one of the ancient traitors? I leave this suggestions to you, venerated magos.

What remains from the cities on the planet, is also only a ruin. From what I heard, majority is utterly destroyed, wiped from the surface by orbital bombardment and terrible war. Some remained, destroyed and burned, but defiantly standing still as an reminder of local people steadfast attitude. Remnants of population live in those ruins life of a harsh struggle. Somehow fitting breed for a holy Adeptus Astartes I presume.

II. Origins

                Our own Arivisian Treaty is dating to the first half of the M37 and we already knew that the Chapter was at full strength at that time. Until now, most trusted Council of the Cog wasn´t aware of their ancient history. I now can enlighten you a bit as Lord Severus was unexpectedly sharing with this topic.

                During the Age of Apostasy and the Reign of Blood, when our beloved Empire was  weakened by betrayal and a civil war, xenos and renegades begun their raids, attacks and conquests. Stretched thin, forces of the Empire could not effectively protect its´ own length and breath. So the decision was made to create a new chapter from the revered gene-seed of the glorious Ultramarine chapter. As I believe, our Cog don´t have an access to the Martian vaults where gene-seed sample is stored so this should be looked upon. I wasn´t able to get a knowledge of an exact founding number, but since 13th and 21st Founding took place a short time before Age of Apostasy, it´s not expected that this was one of those Cursed founding.

                And so, imperial world of Powys was chosen as their homeworld by first master Remus, formerly the captain of the Ultramarines 3rd company.  Please note that more venerated names were spoken: Paliondis, Mantus... none of which I was granted more knowledge about. Exact reasons of the founding are unknown to me, but as Lord Severus told me, most ancient scrolls spokes about glorious wars against a number of WAAAGH! in sector.

                Since then, reports, stories, legends and tales about the Chapter are numerous not only in Vanderenn sector, but also nearby sectors. One certain tale, as I have been able to acquire it from St.Stollinaris Library in Macharia. There is an unnatural silence for a long time though. Since mid M37. to the beginning of M38. a strong Warp Storm engulfed whole sector and made all communications and transport from and into the sector impossible. During this time, the chapter along with PDF, local imperial forces and even few groups of other Astartes (maybe from them they´ve acquired many ancient relics we´ve seen on their actions?) stand vigilant and strong in defense of the sector.

                After the terrible Warp Storm our famous forefather Dorsmeurius returned Vanderenn to the light of the Emperor and on the world of Arivisian he signed the treaty with the Chapter.

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