So as I promissed, there´s next part of Long winter nights I spent painting miniatures.
This part is about Mechanicum project I started recently. Even though it´s 30K HH army, I´ve made them to be used beside 4th Yalden guard.
Painting was as easy as it could be. Khorne red as a base colour for robes, then Nuln oil and then Khorne red once more. Rest was all about metalic colours washed by Nuln oil or Reikland Fleshshade. Also those were first models on which I used Citadel Technical paints.
He´s ancient magos leading the Quest for Knowledge in the sub-sector. Leader of small fleet and an army of Mechanicum troops, he pledget his service for protection of Aterna Prime and, for some unknown reason, also his skills to the lord Reivan Longinius, chaptermaster of the Swords of Ultima chapter.
Eerie magos genetor Valpurga of the Mithril sect, she´s accompanying Xerxes for a few centuries now. They´ve been in Distant Stars beyond the light of astronomican, they sailed angry waves of the Ulgafish storm and she lost her legs and most of her body during the exploration of the Maftir cluster.
Now cold, logic and ever-curious, she´s constantly pushing forward her knowledge of biology, xeno-biology and skill in servitor-making.
Former transmechanic on nameless monitoring imperial station in deep space, tech-priest Manaul XII joined ranks of Xerxes after he was forced to flee the station after unsuccesful attempt to create better transmitting device.
Aur Cydonian is tech-priest bound to 4th Yalden regiment to look upon their vehicles and more sophisticated equipment. He´s serving with them for almost decade not only working on the machines, but also fighting in the first lines supporting their combat actions.
Tech-priest enginseer Ivir the Iron Sky is also bound to 72nd Armoured. Tasked by guarding the machinespirit of mighty Leman Russ tanks and the other vehicles, he works closely with Aur Cydonian and with other enginseers of the Yalden Corps.
Kappa Rho I
Kappa Rho II
Myrmidon cults Kappa Rho I and Kappa Rho II from personal retinue of Xerxes are mainly armed by graviton technology based weapons and so is tasked by destruction of heavy armoured troops. This battle-hungry troops of myrmidon auxilla are ofted spotted on the forefront of any attack blessed by Xerxes presence.
Kappa Rho I played crucial role in repulsion of traitor marines attack during the Siege of Aterna Prime during which they killed no less than three terminators and dozen of traitorous marines.
Kappa Rho II stormed the ancient complex of Baalraptus to deny it to the traitors. Backed by hundreds of servitors and tech-thralls, they sacrificed most of them, but succeeded in this task.
Castellax Battle-Automata Citadel is used by Xerxes as his personal bodyguard. Always close, always ready to throw himself into the fray beside his master and commander.
There´s rumor that the ghost in the shell of this automata is long-dead close associate of Xerxes.
But how can cold, feelingless and calculating mind of magos dominus clinge on something odd and almost-human as this?
Happy Mechanicum Family
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