Good evening or whatever time it is now. I´ve finished those few models I´ve got from UCM faction from Dropzone Commander game.
I´ll post something about game or why I like it, but not now heh. I´ll have to work on my english a bit more to write some fairly complex text. So, let´s focus on models.
Command vehicle of the 2nd Task Force - "Felix" of the Legion IV. See the yellow marker above front wheel? That´s TF marker.
2nd Task Force is under the command of the colonel Rudolf "Rudi" Strasser, former tank commander and agressive leader. Now, after the initial phase of Reconquest, he can be considered as an able commander.
Squad B, Armoured company B. Led by lieutenant Knispel, this squad is one of the oldest serving under colonel Strasser. During their first fight against Scourge, they scored seven armoured kills without the loss of a single tank.
Squad E, Armoured company B. Anti-aircraft support unit which is often used to dug-out the infantry from their hiding.
Bear section of the Legionnaire Company A, 212nd Battalion. This section is commonly transported by Condors. Also fresh recruits for the Reconquest, but after harsh and austere training in Camp Arthur Currie, they are more than able to take back planets from the Scourge.
Condor of the famous Black Birds drop-wing. This fighting unit is well-known for their skill, veterancy and bold actions of it´s pilots - all of them are women.
This particular Condor is partially painted green - which is the sign of a fresh recruit into the drop-wing.
Also one of the Condors of the Black Birds, this one is all black - the veteran of many drops and deployments. Condors of this wing are usually armed by missiles, for their pilots are mavericks and they´re too often trigger-happy.
So far my whole collection.
There are few new models on it´s way
Great work!