+++ Gladius Irae +++
I´m back after a long lull. Got no time for uploading any photos, nor any progress in miniatures. But there´s a chance that I´ll do some massive update of my Bolt Action armies. After all, both armies are already painted.
And there´s a Mechanicum army on my table right now. And Necromundian gang... ok, time for the knight : )
I´ve got this fella as a Christmas gift from my brother and immediately started with it. It´ll be from same House as my previous knight, so the colour scheme is quite easy.
It came with cockpit, but without a driver. This one is a kitbash from Scitarii head, Empire Pistolier body and Elysian legs.
Still don´t know how to make the hatch openable though
Yes, he stands on the megabolter from titan.
Happy with chains, still unsure what will be on that flag
magnetize the hatch with 3 or 4 mm rectangular magnets. then it can be opened and put back easily.I did that with my Stormraven gunship - whole roof+wings detachable