We´ve been playing Necromunda campaign and since it started around the time I felt in love with new Mechanicum, it was a clear choice for me to play Mechanicus gang. Yes, it´s not Mechanicus, but Orlock gang, at least by the rules..
I´m kinda sad that this blog is very silent, but I´m lazy as fuck (and not very good at) to photo my models. I enjoy painting them more. But sometimes I simply need to write down some fluff for them, maybe some plans with them and so on. So be patient, maybe I´ll be here more often.
Now for the gang.
+++Techpriest Rho-XII+++
Model is kitbashed from some fantasy wight, cultist axe and techpriest dominus. Yes, the idea is stolen from the internet, but still I really love this conversion. It´s creepy enough to be proud member of Adeptus Mechanicus.
Look at me, I´m fabulous.
Rho-XII was a master of assassins for one Mechanicum faction from the main forge in primary hive on Aterna Prime. He grew in power and influence and one day, he became a threat for someone.
His peers tried to kill him and his agents, but they managed to survive, at least few of them.
After this, they withdrew to the underhive, where they wages a war for survival and maybe for a return.
+++Cremator Kopfrkingl+++
Pretty cheap conversion, there´s add just flamer and shotgun/autogun. Yeah and also head.
I like him a lot, he´s very dangerous in our games.
Kopfrkingl is something as an oddity in Rho-XII´s band, since he´s former Redemptionist from deepest levels of barely civilized Hive. Some five years ago, one of Mechanicum agents dragged him from Underhive and prepared him for honourable service as servitor.
Then, for unknown reason, Rho-XII saved him from this end and offered him a new faith. He can still purge with fire, but now it´s in the name of the Omnissiah. Kopfrkingl was more than happy with such offer and joined Rho-XII´s team.
+++Servitor Sigma-IV+++
I´m not very pleased with this dude. Don´t know why, but I consider him quite dull. He´s made from various left-overs, but lacks some spirit. Maybe that´s the reason I´ve made him a servitor.
Before his punishment, Sigma - IV was a thug and occasional thief in one of Rho-XII´s forges.
His punishment wasn´t total lobotomisation as part of his will was left intact. It´s to better serve as an agent, well hidden between vast and anonymous ranks of servitors.
+++Assassin Voss+++
Sadly on this image, she´s still not finished. I have to paint her, but somehow still thinking about granting her a human legs, not mechanical ones.
Voss is also one of Rho-XII´s agents who managed to survive and escape with him. Now she´s using her skills with mechanical devices to stretch out priest´s sphere of influence.
+++Assassin Sheol+++
I just love her. She´s a beautiful model, great pose and I´ve got a very nice, if not completed, fluff for her. Also small tale with her as a main character, where she´ll be naked. Yeah, mechanicum-naked. I imagine her beauty as an enhanced version of her natural look made for some purpose. Also her body as a fusion of sexy and a bit disgusting oily, metal parts. Quite nice image. I´ll see if I´ll write something down finaly.
But I love her nonetheless.
She is an assassin raised and trained by Mechanicum to wage their secret wars. She´s not the classical mechanical assassin like ruststalkers with barely a few human features. As mostly human, she´s used against outer enemies of the Mechanicum where her beauty and certain skills could be used against an ordinary men.
+++Scitarii Theo+++
Some cool looking guy pointing with stick and holding the rifle like some 40K verison of Arnold. One small note to his head, I don´t like this type on rank and file Scitarii Rangers models (I prefere uniformity) but I consider it very nice on special models.
Sadly, there´s no fluff for poor Theo till this time.
+++Apprentice Brakvel+++
Again very simple conversion, just added cable to look more sinister and less chaos. He got some equipment on his back where the cable ends.
Brakvel was one of the enforcer - guardians oathbound to Rho-XII´s small forge.
He´s the only one from his team who made it to lower hive.
+++Novice Hiskar+++
Also one of my favorite models. That motion and sick fusion of flesh and steel is just lovely.
Crazed warrior who joined Rho-XII in the underhive, Hiskar left his settlement to join new, red spectral gangers emerging from dirt of lower underhive. He was rewarded with strange respirator bound forever into his flesh.
+++Novice Delta II+++
I´ve gave him a new hand from some FW model and of course some more mechanicum-themed head than his previous one.
No fluff here either. He was just juve : ) But considering his metallic hand, his story may be worth thinking of. Or maybe, write me some good one.
+++Apprentice Ulsen+++
Well, another favorite one of mine. Very nice pose with that rusty club. And barrel of a gun is some idea I´ve stolen from the internet of course.
A former crane operator from the hive docks, Ulsen was kidnapped by a mysterious cult and prepared to be sacrificed. Barely moments before his execution, Ulsen managed to escape the cult through severs inside the hive. He was lost in old tunnels, almost starved to death only to be saved by Voss on her escape.
Since then, Ulsen is Rho-XII´s loyal servant.
+++Ratskin Ganjir+++
Actually a nice model from Privateer Press range. I´ve seen some on the web and one day I´ve found some blister in the store. Ok, just buy it and paint him for fun.
Ganjir is not a ratskin, since technically there´re no ratskins in Aterna Prime hive. He comes from a one of common nomadic tribes on the planet. His tribe lives near the hive and occasionally they went under "Great Steel Roof" to scavenge something.
+++...and now for something completely different+++
Next few models are not from Necromundiand gang but from Mechanicum / Skitarii army I´m collecting.
Scribe Stanly, oath-bound to dominator Tleix
Protector Arg-IX, service-bound to scrutector Pratos.
Random conversion which come-off very nice. Body is from servitor, shield from 30K marine and powersword from ruststalker kit. I use him as a crusader for inquisitorial henchmen band (... not inquisitor though, but Mechanicum scrutector in fluff terms)
Skitarii Vanguard sergeant.
Dominator Tleix of the Cult Mechanicum. Count-as inquisitor Karamazov.
This model is also web-inspired and probably one of best models I ever kitbashed. This is the blanchitsu spirit I love the most in 40K.
Servo-skulls for "inquisitors". Could be also used as wound markers. I´ve got long lasting fetish for servoskulls. The more the better
Holy/Unholy tree. Terrain project for our gaming club. I´m still not sure whether it´ll be deamonic or imperial holy shrine. But it´ll have a hanged ones on branches for sure : )
Transformation station. Will come great with fences on gang pictures. Pretty fast build and I think good looking too.
Two containers from czech Ogri Doupe shop. Great models made of wood. Also pretty cheap. Will definitely buy more.
Thanks and I have a dandy proposal: What Was The First Home Renovation Show home improvements to add value